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                      Bedrock Linux

Bedrock Linux 1.0beta1 Hawky

© Bedrock Linux 2012-2024
Linux® is a registered
trademark of Linus Torvalds

Bedrock Linux 1.0beta1 Hawky System Requirements

Bedrock Linux itself is relatively minimal and will run on very limited hardware. However, the client software Bedrock Linux will use will most likely require significantly higher system requirements. See the documentation for the specific client distributions you wish to use.

CPU Architecture

Hawky has been tested on (32-bit) x86 and (64-bit) x86-64 systems. In theory it should be possible to set it up on any architecture musl-libc supports.

CPU Speed

Prior releases have been show to run smoothly on both a 1.6GHz Intel Atom and 800MHz Intel Celeron-M (ie, two different ASUS Eee PCs). Presumably significantly slower CPUs will also suffice. Remember, though, some client software will likely have higher requirements to run adequately.


Prior releases have been shown to run without trouble on 512MB of RAM with huge amounts of room to spare. Much smaller amounts of RAM would likely work fine for the core Bedrock Linux software, but higher amounts will likely be expected by some client software you may choose to run. Some additional RAM will be required due to the fact that there will be multiple copies of some libraries (such as the main libc libraries) and thus Bedrock Linux may not be suitable for embedded-style systems.


Depending on what you choose to compile into the Linux Kernel and Busybox, Hawky should fit snuggly within only a handful of megabytes of disk space (although a fully-loaded Linux Kernel can take tens if not hundreds of megabytes). However, Bedrock Linux is of limited use without any clients, and the clients can take quite a bit of space. See the disk space requirements for the client Linux distributions you are interested in. As a rule of thumb, a gigabyte of disk space should be set aside for each client distribution, with more preferred.